Wednesday, February 29, 2012

G+ needs to videogameify if it wants to beat Facebook

G+ is a boring ghost town.  But so is facebook sometimes.  Why?  Because they still show me static lists of posts I've already seen instead of knowing that I've already seen it and loading new content (new being different, not just timely).  Facebook and G+ need to be more like video games and less like static lists of posts.  Farmville (though I don't play) doesn't need to be it's own game, it needs to be integrated into the "facebook dashboard" so that watering your crops is done simultaeenously while liking a friends post.  We all need to be drawn into a Second Life/World of Warcraft/Facebook.  True interactivity.  More like a video game and less like a static list of posts.  More like a digital summer camp counsler who's thrilled and excited to show me all the new stuff that's been happening.  (especially when I'm bored and constantly pushing refresh)

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